Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello!! Today i’m going to talk about sabbatical years. I think that sometimes it could be an important problem. If you take chance of having a sabbatical year, maybe return to study will be very difficult. So, if you like the idea of resting for ages or you are lazy, taking a sabbatical year is a BAD idea.

Nevertheless, sometimes it could be a very good idea, it could be useful because you can learn a lot of new things. It could be fruitful if you chose having interesting activities that ten will help you, then they could become and important tool in you life, for example, learning a language or traveling for know the culture of a country.

IN my case, in a sabbatical year, i would like to learn italian, because i like too uch that language and maybe in some years it could be very helpful. Also i would like to take a coocking course, i want to learn to cook some delicious desserts and some of italian food.

Also i would take a course for learning to make massages, i think they are so relaxing, and, if i want to take an important rest in my life i have to learn about rest! And maybe i could work for a while in that area, in that way i could earn some money. I’ll need money because i want to travel. I would travel to Italy, France, England, Spain and other interesting and beautiful countries. I Would like to travel to Cuba because i think that it would be such an interesting place for knowing, especially for the music and history.

That’s all

See you soon, greetings.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The environment

Today I will talk about the environment. It’s an interesting and important topic for me and I believe that society is also important.

Through History, human being has put aside many times the environment. The environment gives the essence of living but technology and economy had led to disrespect it by prioritizing human interest.
I believe is very difficult to make conscious the destructive practices that we are used to, because many of them are long term destructive.
More and more organizations appear every day pointing respect to environment. The media and the government are always showing campaigns about respect but occasionally there weren’t enough.
The natural catastrophes made people rethink about their view and conducts with environment. But, once the trauma vanish the new thought don’t change what people do.
Recycling is an important topic is this sense, actually at my house my family (me included) doesn’t have recycling culture. I only have consciousness about the little things like don’t throw away garbage in the street, but I also smoke and drive a lot to college, even living only 10 blocks away and I don’t recycle bottles or paper and knowing in the world a lot of practices that people do against the environment I don’t do anything to change it.
I really believe that in general, people don’t know how normal acts could impact the environment because the consequences are long term and difficult to see. I think is very important that the government and the media give information to the people about the consequences about industrial and personal environmental unconcern that way people could change their conduct. Also, maybe would be impacting showing the possible future or an exaggerated future where children and their children will have to live in.
That’s all.
See you soon
Good bye.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My best party

Actually I love to go out to dance or have some drinks with my friends, for me, these situations are the most exciting things of my life.
I would never forget the last four New Year’s Parties but most of all, the one before the last. I went with my cousin and two friends to a party called Elevate located in Huechuraba. I went by car and I promised not to drink a single beer but that was unlikely. The truth is that once there we saw the Free Bar and decided to have some Vodka and Rum plus my little resistance to alcohol I got drunk with a huge stomach ache.
At the party I met a lot of acquaintances there was live band performances and 3 floors with different kind of music; pachanga, reggaeton and electronic. We lost a friend during the party but the most amusing thing of all night was to saw a friend of mine making out with the boy next to me meanwhile I was drunk and feeling really bad. Even it was a little uncomfortable I had a very good time but I didn’t met anyone interesting. Well, my friend and his boy where couple since that day.
Later that night we found my other friend and went home, obviously I didn’t drive.
The truth must be told, I can’t write about all thing happened that night, there are thing that must be omitted hahaha.
Also I met my ex-boyfriend that night; in this party anything is possible.
Best Regards

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

For today I had to select news related with my career. Between the news I saw in the internet page the themes weren’t much related with psychology so it took me a while to get what I needed.

Finally, the news I found it’s called: ADHD: genes play a role, but how crucial are they? I liked this news because I want to be a child and adolescent’s psychologist and this it’s a very common theme for the kids and specially the parents. Something that I know about ADHD, that means, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is that many times the parents feels exceeded and the children discriminated.

The news tells that children with this disorder are healthy in a physical way, but have lots of trouble in others areas. For example, they are usually restless children who have difficulty concentrating and problems with the others children of their age.
Recently, an investigation found that their DNA probably has duplicate or missing chunks, what means that they have a genetic condition. This idea breaks with the belief that their causes were the bad parenting and poor diet. But, other professionals propose an explication that includes all this variables and that the results of that study where interpreted in the wrong way and that they actually means that genes play a role and some genetic glitches raise the risk of ADHD.

This new investigation opens a debate about the topic. If you want to read it for yourself go to:

A beautiful mind

Hello classmates. I hope that you’re fine.
Today I will talk about my favorite film. Actually, I’m not very good at seeing movies but I remember one called A Beautiful Mind.
This movie was released in 2001, was directed by Ron Howard with Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly.
The film chronicles the life of mathematician John Forbes Nash since his arrival at Princeton University in New Jersey, first as a student and then as a teacher.
During this period he met his future wife who finally is a mainstay of what will happen later.
As an adult discovers that suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, which directly affects his life and even sent his to a psychiatric hospital.
He lives with constant hallucinations, which it haunts him and his wife.
Finally being treated for schizophrenia, assuming it is a lifelong disease. And his wife becomes a mainstay throughout the process.
I like the movie for three reasons: first, because the way it is told, a look from the standpoint of schizophrenic, because one gets to know that John's friend was a hallucination from the middle of the film possible to see things from a different reality.
Second, I love it because it related to what I study, psychology. And finally, I think the film's protagonist is an example of life because it is able to cope with the disease and helped by drugs to move forward, even to win a Nobel Prize. Shown as a hopeful aspect.
That’s all
Best Regards
Good Bye

Thursday, September 23, 2010

my activities after bicentenario

I had a very good time last weekend; I ate, danced and shared with my family and my boyfriend’s family.
After this long weekend I discover that I have many tests, it’s horrible because I think that I enjoy last weekend but I do not rest. For this reason I will not visit places because I prefer study very much and I think to rest too. I have five tests including English. But if my cousin invite me for a party I will go for I relax.
I will thought to visit to my boyfriend. He lives in Viña del Mar, but I can’t go.
But the weekend after the next I want to go San Carlos de Apoquindo stadium because my boyfriend comes to Santiago and he loves football and wanderers. The next game plays Catolica v/s wanderers. I want that to lose wanderers. I don’t recommend going, really I hate football.
Another place that I want to visit is Ines de Suarez park, this is a place that I recommend for visit because is very beautiful and quiet. You want to run, to rest, to enjoy of the nature, to read, etc. But if you want to go out for a meal for continue to gain weight after 18 I recommend Fuente Suiza Restaurant, the food is very very delicious, but the only problem is that this food is very fattening. I want to go when my boyfriend comes to Santiago.
Good bye classmates!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The future of chilean State Universities

The education is very important for the country’s development and for people. But in Chile there are many differences because the education is like a business. This means that if you have money you can have access to a better school education and the most probable this people can have different alternatives to chose an university (estate or private).

In general, the people who enter to state Universities are from different economics status.

For this reason, the future of chilean State Universities is an important problem because it is more likely that education will be privatized.
This would profoundly affect to many students. They wouldn’t go to universities because they do not have money for studying and so they should work or study short technical curses, not professional. Also they will not be able to access to private universities.

Every years the careers are more expensive. There are many, but everyone has high costs.

I consider that it is a problem that affects to the society in general, for this reason we can not be able to allow that just a few group of people have opportunities to study. Everyone in Chile should have the opportunity to study.

My University is not a private university; the careers are not too expensive comparing with others, for example Catholic University or Adolfo Ibañez etc., but in a near future, I think this will change. Our university probably changes to a private university.

I hope the education will improve in order to benefit all people who want to have a better education and the same opportunities.