Saturday, September 11, 2010

The future of chilean State Universities

The education is very important for the country’s development and for people. But in Chile there are many differences because the education is like a business. This means that if you have money you can have access to a better school education and the most probable this people can have different alternatives to chose an university (estate or private).

In general, the people who enter to state Universities are from different economics status.

For this reason, the future of chilean State Universities is an important problem because it is more likely that education will be privatized.
This would profoundly affect to many students. They wouldn’t go to universities because they do not have money for studying and so they should work or study short technical curses, not professional. Also they will not be able to access to private universities.

Every years the careers are more expensive. There are many, but everyone has high costs.

I consider that it is a problem that affects to the society in general, for this reason we can not be able to allow that just a few group of people have opportunities to study. Everyone in Chile should have the opportunity to study.

My University is not a private university; the careers are not too expensive comparing with others, for example Catholic University or Adolfo Ibañez etc., but in a near future, I think this will change. Our university probably changes to a private university.

I hope the education will improve in order to benefit all people who want to have a better education and the same opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. That's true, you're right again!!! Let's talk next session...
